Saturday 29 December 2012

Improve Your Business's Branding with Private Label Water - Water ...

Last updated 9 hours ago

No matter what type of business you run, it is important to ensure that your clients have a pleasant experience every time they see you so that they will be more likely to come back in the future. A simple offering of refreshment with company branded water bottles makes a great impression on your customers and has many benefits that are well worth the time it takes to create your custom labels. Here is a look at the big impact that details such as private labeled water can make for your business.

Your customers have something to take home
When you give customers a bottle of water with a custom branded label, they will have a piece of your branding to take home with them. This will increase the exposure of your logo to each customer who takes a water bottle and also serve as a small offering of a positive customer experience. You might encourage customers to reuse these custom labeled bottles to save plastic, so they will keep making an impression while reducing waste.

You can create a more professional reputation
Everything you put your brand on relates to your customer relationships, and bottled water is something that anyone can take with them. All people drink water, but not everyone is drinking water with your logo on it. When customers see that you have made the effort to reach out with more logo exposure, they may have a higher perception of the professionalism of your business. Plus, the label design is completely customized to your requests, so it will reflect your business in the exact way that you want it to.

If you choose Water Event in Dallas for your customized private label water, you can expect your order to be ready in about two weeks so that you can start branding your business more effectively. Get started on your label design by calling us today at (214) 431-3253 or visiting our website.


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Senate Democratic leader warns U.S. going over "fiscal cliff"

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat in the Senate warned on Thursday that the United States looks to be headed over the "fiscal cliff" of tax hikes and spending cuts that will start next week if squabbling politicians do not reach a deal.

Majority Leader Harry Reid told the Senate in a speech that "it looks like that is where we're headed.

He called on the Republicans who control the House of Representatives to prevent the worst of the fiscal shock by getting behind a Senate bill to extend existing tax cuts for all except those households earning more than $250,000 a year.

With the House not in session and the clock ticking toward the scheduled January start of tax increases and deep, automatic government spending cuts, Reid offered little hope.

"I don't know time-wise how it can happen now," he said.

Referring to the House run by Speaker John Boehner - the top Republican in Congress - Reid said, "It's being operated with a dictatorship of the speaker, not allowing a vast majority of the House of Representatives to get what they want."

Boehner's failed effort last week to push his own "fiscal cliff" solution through the House was a "debacle," Reid added. He also accused Boehner of delaying "fiscal cliff" action until after he seeks re-election as House speaker on January 3.

"John Boehner seems to care more about keeping his speakership than about keeping the nation on firm financial footing," Reid added.

Reid's pessimistic remarks sent world stocks, the euro and U.S. shares lower.

But Reid's comments may have been more an attempt to spur Republican rivals into action than a definitive prediction that "fiscal cliff" talks will fail.

President Barack Obama arrived back at the White House from his brief vacation in Hawaii to try to restart stalled negotiations with Congress.

Obama made phone calls to congressional leaders from both parties on Wednesday from Hawaii to try to revive the stalled talks to prevent the "fiscal cliff" scenario, which would worry world financial markets and could push the United States back into recession.

In addition, consumer confidence fell to a four-month low in December as the budget crisis sapped what had been a growing sense of optimism about the economy, a report released on Thursday showed.

"People are hearing about (the cliff) and it negatively impacts confidence and investor sentiment and even holiday sales," said Todd Schoenberger, managing partner at Landcolt Capital in New York.

The chances of a last-minute deal - at least one that would prevent tax hikes - remained uncertain, with Republicans and Democrats each insisting the other side move first amid continuing partisan gridlock.

The Senate, controlled by Democrats, was scheduled to meet later on Thursday but on matters unrelated to the "fiscal cliff."


Boehner and other House Republican leaders, who say they are willing to take up a "fiscal cliff" measure only after the Senate acts on one, were to hold a conference call with Republican House members on Thursday.

The expectation for the call was that lawmakers would be told to get back to Washington within 48 hours to consider anything the Senate might pass.

Weather permitting, that would bring them to Washington with perhaps three days left before the deadline for action. Storms affecting the Midwest, the South and the Northeast played havoc with airline schedules.

The House and Senate passed bills months ago reflecting their own sharply divergent positions on the expiring low tax rates, which went into effect during the administration of Republican former President George W. Bush.

Democrats want to allow the tax cuts to expire on the wealthiest Americans. Republicans want to extend the tax cuts for everyone.

"This isn't a one party or one house problem. This is (that) leaders in both parties in all branches of the government are not willing to make the deal that they know they have to make. Everybody wants their stuff but doesn't want to give up what they don't want to give up," Republican U.S. Representative Steven LaTourette told CNN.

Congress has proven that it can act swiftly once an agreement is reached. Hope persisted that Republicans and Democrats might come up with a resolution before New Year's Day that could at least postpone the impact of the tax hikes and spending cuts while further discussions take place.

Another battle is just over the horizon in late January or early February over raising the debt ceiling, which puts a limit on the amount of money the U.S. government can borrow to pay its debts and can be raised only with the approval of Congress.

Republican leaders have said they will insist on more budget cuts as a condition of raising the ceiling. Without any action, the U.S. Treasury said on Wednesday the government is set to reach its $16.4 trillion debt ceiling on December 31.

The Treasury Department is to begin "extraordinary measures" to buy time. Many analysts believe the government can stave the default date off into late February.

(Additional reporting by Doina Chiacu, Alina Selyukh and Richard Cowan)


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Thursday 27 December 2012

Men's Health USA ? January/February 2013-P2P ? Releaselog ...

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Men?s Health USA ? January/February 2013-P2P
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Wednesday 26 December 2012

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TechCrunch Crunched: The Top Keywords We Published In 2012

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121222 ? Wilderness Society takes WA EPA to Court [over proposed ...

* The Wilderness Society:
Wilderness Society takes WA EPA to Court
Wilderness Society launches legal action against
JPP gas hub environmental approval
* SBS World News Video:
WA government taken to court over gas hub approval
* Greens MP Chapple calls on EPA Chief to resign
* Hands Off Country: EPA?s Deception of Community
* Law Below the Top Soil, by Dr. Peter Botsman:
a concise history of the flawed proposal to develop
Browse Gas at James Price Point
* News re legal action against approval of JPP gas hub
* Background to the Save The Kimberley Campaign:
James Price Point, north of Broome, WA

* Let?s Talk Tiga Bayles interviews
Aunty Mary Graham & Aunty Lila Watson on the
40th Anniversary of the Canberra Aboriginal Tent Embassy
* Background to the Aboriginal tent embassies

* Graeme Mundine?s speech at Brisbane launch of
?A Decision to Discriminate?

* Greens Senators Penny Wright and Rachel Siewert:
Time for a new approach to juvenile justice
* ABC PM: Calls for bail reform to reduce juvenile jail rate
* Background to Aboriginal imprisonment and Deaths in Custody

* 3CR Community Radio, Anarchist World:
Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheener [Indigenous Freedom Fighters]

* Other articles


- Advocacy

The Wilderness Society:
Wilderness Society takes WA EPA to Court

19 Dec 12: ?The Wilderness Society will join with
Goolarabooloo Traditional Custodian, Richard Hunter, in
taking both the West Australian Environment Protection
Authority (EPA) and the state?s Environment Minister to the
Supreme Court over gross mishandling of conflicts of
interest in relation to assessment of the proposed Kimberley
gas hub.
This enormous project, covering an area 20 times the size
of the Melbourne CBD, is a proposal of the West Australian
Department of State Development and is being assessed by
another government agency, the EPA. The West Australian
Premier, Colin Barnett, is the Minister for State
Development, and thus the proponent.
As evidenced by a long list of blunders, the government has
repeatedly failed to display any sense of procedural
competence or scientific rigour in relation to environmental
and cultural assessments of this highly contested project.
One of it?s most spectacular failings has been its improper
handling of conflicts of interest declared by four of its
five board members (dating back to 2009) revealed in mid


The Wilderness Society: The Kimberley

?The Kimberley region of northern WA is one of the world?s
great natural and Indigenous cultural regions. Its vast
savannah landscapes, wild rivers, extensive wetlands,
spectacular coast and rich marine environments provide a
multitude of habitats that are home to an extraordinary
diversity of species. Incredibly, the far north-west
Kimberley sub-region is the only part of Western Australia,
and one of very few in Australia, that appears to have
retained its complete native fauna species diversity
without extinction since European settlement.?


- Audio

Wilderness Society launches legal action against
JPP gas hub environmental approval

20 Dec 12: ?HEIDI NORE: The Wilderness Society and
Goolarabooloo traditional owner Richard Hunter are
commencing legal proceedings against the Environmental
Protection Authority and against the Environment Minister
Bill Marmion for the way they have handled the James Price
Point gas hub assessment.
DAVID WEBER: What are the particular problems with the way
that the EPA and the Environment Minister have handled this?
HEIDI NORE: The EPA has acknowledged that four out of its
five board members had conflicts of interest while they
were assessing the James Price Point gas hub.?


- Video

SBS World News:
WA government taken to court over gas hub approval
Source: Brooke Boney, NITV News

20 Dec 12: ?A Goolarabooloo traditional owner and the
Wilderness Society are taking the West Australian
government to court over the proposed Woodside gas hub at
James Price Point in the Kimberley. They say approval of
the site was flawed because some of the Environmental
Protection Authority board members, who were a part of the
decision making process, had conflicts of interest.
Brooke Boney from NITV reports.?


- News

Robin Chapple MLC:
Greens MP Chapple calls on EPA Chief to resign

20 Dec 12: ??The Conservation Council of WA was quite
correct to criticize WA?s deficient approvals process. I
have many more examples of these practices. One only needs
to look at what has taken place within the EPA this year
regarding approvals for the development of the Browse LNG
processing plant at James Price Point. ?If Mr Vogel is
serious about the role of the EPA as ?facilitating
ecologically sustainable development? then he has a
completely different idea of this concept than what is
regarded as acceptable by forward-thinking people elsewhere
in the world. ? ? ? Mr Chapple said.?


Welcome to Robin Chapple MLC?s website?

?Robin Chapple was first elected to the Western Australian
Legislative Council on February 10, 2001. He is the first
member of the Greens (WA) ever elected for the vast Mining
and Pastoral Region.?


- Analysis / Opinion

Hands Off Country: EPA?s Deception of Community

20 Dec 12: ?What is the purpose of the National Heritage
register? The ?heritage value of fossilised dinosaur track
sites that occur in Broome Sandstone is recognised and is
listed as a National Heritage site. Who do these faceless
trans-nationals think they are? It is one thing for
corporations wanting to exploit resources that have no
impact in their own back yard, but for the state government
to disregard not only the social mandate of the Broome
community, but also State and Commonwealth laws, treaties
and agreements and are activity aiding and abetting the
wilful destruction of our national heritage. This is


- Report

Save The Kimberley: ?Law Below the Top Soil? ? Just Released
Law Below the Top Soil, by Dr. Peter Botsman
- a concise history of the flawed proposal to develop
Browse Gas at James Price Point

?The ?Botsman report? explores the interconnected roles of
the WA government, Woodside Petroleum and the Kimberley
Land Council that have resulted in a proposal for a massive
gas hub at James Price Point. The report outlines the major
meetings and dealings of the parties involved, revealing
major flaws in the process. Moreover, the report provides a
compelling case for the proposed development at JPP to be
permanently shelved and for the ultimate protection of that


About Save The Kimberley

?Save The Kimberley is an independent awareness
organisation. We are a not-for-profit, 100% volunteer run
group which is made up of a diverse and passionate group of
individuals ? traditional custodians, local Kimberley
community, and other committed Australians from all parts:
we are business owners, administrators, entrepreneurs,
artists, musicians and media professionals.?


- Audio

ABC PM: WA Govt cool on Wilderness Society legal action

20 Dec 12: ?The West Australian Government has given a cool
reaction to the latest legal challenge to a proposed gas
hub near Broome. The Wilderness Society has launched the
action against the State?s Environmental Protection
Authority and the Environment Minister. The group is
focusing on the EPA?s (Environmental Protection Authority)
approval, which only happened after four of the five board
members were excluded due to conflicts of interest.?

- News

ABC: More legal action launched over JPP

20 Dec 12: ?A Supreme Court challenge has been lodged
against the Environmental Protection Authority?s approval
of the LNG hub, north of Broome. The Wilderness Society has
joined forces with traditional owner, Richard Hunter, to
allege that the decision making process breached the
Environmental Protection Act. Earlier this year the EPA
Chairman Paul Vogel was forced to assess and ultimately
approve the project on his own, because the other four
board members had conflicts of interest. The Society?s
Heidi Nore has told AM the legal action will allege that
three of the board members still had some input.?

Koori Mail: Court action over gas hub
[scroll down page]
20 Dec 12: ?THE Wilderness Society WA and Goolarabooloo
traditional custodian Richard Hunter have launched
proceedings in the WA Supreme Court against the WA
Environment Protection Authority and Environment Minister
Bill Marmion over the approval of the controversial James
Price Point gas processing complex. The parties want a
judicial review of the decisions made around the proposal
to locate the Browse LNG Precinct at James Price Point,
alleging the decision-making process was flawed because of
conflicts of interest and improper delegations.?

The West: Legal action threatens Browse LNG project

20 Dec 12: ?Woodside?s proposed Browse LNG project has come
under renewed threat with Green and indigenous groups
launching legal action against the approval process for the
controversial gas processing hub at James Price Point. The
Wilderness Society WA announced that the conservation group
and traditional owner, Goolarabooloo elder Richard Hunter,
had commenced Supreme Court legal proceedings against the
State?s Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and
Environment Minister Bill Marmion over his approval in

Australian: Browse hit by more litigation

20 Dec 12: ?WOODSIDE?S $35 billion Browse development has
been hit with fresh legal action to overturn environmental
approvals for the project because of conflicts of interest
on the West Australian Environmental Protection Agency
board. Traditional owner Richard Hunter and the Wilderness
Society of Western Australia have launched action in the
Supreme Court seeking a judicial review of decisions taken
by the EPA and state government to allow construction of
the Browse gas processing facilities at James Price Point.?


Last updated: 16 December 2012


- Audio Interviews

Indigenous radio station 98.9FM Brisbane:
Let?s Talk Tiga Bayles interviews Aunty Mary Graham & Aunty Lila Watson

20 Dec 12: ?Also featured audio from the 1982 Commonwealth
Games Documentary, when people took to the streets to
protest against the QLD acts.?
Listen to this interview on-line:

[Includes discussion of the 40th Anniversary of the
Canberra Aboriginal Tent Embassy.]

- Related News

National Indigenous Radio Service:
Tent Embassy founder encourages UN registration

21 Dec 12: ?The head the First Nations Interim National
Unity Government says he?s encouraging Indigenous embassies
around the country to maintain their stand. It comes while
the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy is being subject
to attempts by the Brisbane City Council to be removed.
Founder of the National Unity Government, Michael Anderson,
who also co-founded the original Aboriginal Tent Embassy in
Canberra, says embassies must formally register to the
United Nations. Mr. Anderson says the Embassies are
representing displaced peoples.?

- Related Audio

Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association:

21 Dec 12: ?A group of Aboriginal people from South
Australia?s south east, Coorong and River Murray regions
say they have been forced to apply for sovereignty status
in United Kingdom Privy Council because their claims for
recognition are being ignored by the Sate Government.?


Last updated: 19 December 2012


- Speech

?concerned Australians?: A Decision to Discriminate
- Speeches and pictures from the book launches
[scroll down page]
Brisbane launch: Graeme Mundine (PDF)

?Executive Officer, ACM Sydney Archdiocese
I am very happy to be here to support this book and to
continue to help voice opposition to what is happening in
the Northern Territory. In doing so I am mindful that it is
not only in the NT that we have issues with the way
Aboriginal people are being treated. ? I think it?s a
national shame, for example, that here in Queensland as in
my home state of NSW the rate of incarceration of Aboriginal
people is increasing year after year but hardly anyone seems
to care about that. ? In conclusion then I urge you to buy
A Decision to Discriminate it is one of the most accessible
and comprehensive ways to hear the voices of those who are
directly affected by the Intervention.?

- Photos

?concerned Australians?: A Decision to Discriminate
- Speeches and pictures from the book launches
[scroll down page]
Brisbane launch:
* Graeme Mundine
* Lilla Watson
* Les Malezer?

- Event

Event: Wed 12 December 2012: South Brisbane, Qld
Brisbane Book Launch: ?A Decision to Discriminate?
- Aboriginal Disempowerment in the Northern Territory
Launched by: Graeme Mundine, respected Aboriginal leader
and Executive Officer of Australian Catholic Ministry in Sydney
Supporting the launch will be two special guests:
* Aunty Lilla Watson, Birrigubba and Gungalu woman,
leader, teacher and advocate in the Murri community
* Les Malezer, Butchulla and Gubbi Gubbi man,
Co-Chair, National Congress of Australia?s First Peoples
?Through the use of direct quotations,
this new book is an important historical record
that focuses on the Senate Committee Inquiry
into the Stronger Futures legislation. It shows
how the Government decision-making process
chose to ignore the views and ideas expressed
by many Aboriginal people of the Northern Territory
communities in much the same way as has
happened since colonisation.?
Sponsored by:
* Amnesty International QLD
* and ANTaR Queensland
A ?concerned Australians? publication:
Brisbane flyer:
Event details:
Event details: [scroll down page]
Event details:
Event details:
Order Form:
Book reviews:

Audio Interviews:


- Media Release

Greens Senators Penny Wright and Rachel Siewert:
Time for a new approach to juvenile justice

20 Dec 12: ?Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Issues ?
Increasing over-representation of Indigenous youth in
juvenile detention shows the drastic need for a new
approach to justice in Australia, say Australian Greens
Senators Penny Wright and Rachel Siewert.
New figures from the Australian Institute of Health and
Welfare show Indigenous young people account for 53 per
cent of all youth in detention and were 31 times as likely
as non-Indigenous young people to be in detention, up from
27 times as likely in 2008.
?Locking up young people today will simply condemn many of
them to jail in the future,? Australian Greens spokesperson
on Legal Affairs Senator Penny Wright said.
?Shocking figures like these are why the Greens have been
lobbying hard for a new Justice Reinvestment approach to
crime which emphasises the need to strengthen communities
and invest resources to prevent crime in the first place. ?
Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert says the way to
reduce this alarming overrepresentation of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander children in detention is to address
the underlying causes.
?More effective and better resourced investment is needed in
order to improve health services, community support,
education and the provision of employment opportunities,?
said Senator Siewert. ? ?


- Audio

ABC PM: Calls for bail reform to reduce juvenile jail rate

20 Dec 12: ?Legal and Aboriginal activists say bail laws
must be reformed to reduce the number of children being
held without being sentenced. The latest report from the
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows that each
night, more than a thousand children aged between 10 and 17
are in custody. The new figures also show that Aboriginal
children are 31 times more likely to spend time in jail
than non-Indigenous children, as Jennifer Macey reports. ?
JENNIFER MACEY: Former Human Rights Commissioner, Tom
Calma, is an advocate for the Justice Reinvestment Now
campaign. It aims to divert prison funding towards
communities with a high concentration of young offenders.?


Last updated: 21 December 2012


- Audio

3CR Community Radio 855 AM ? Podcasts
Anarchist World ? 20 Dec 2012
Presenter: Joseph Toscano
[scroll down page]
[listen to this program online]
20 Dec 12: ?Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheener, obituary
Rhonda Jankovic, it?s up to you and much much more?


3CR Community Radio 855 AM ? Who we are

?The radio station was established in 1976 to provide a
voice for those denied access to the mass media,
particularly the working class, women, Indigenous people
and the many community groups and community issues
discriminated against in and by the mass media.?


- News

National Indigenous Radio Service:
Lowitja Institute looking for alternative funding

21 Dec 12: ?A leading national Indigenous health research
organisation is facing an uncertain future because it says
it can no longer apply for a previous grant. Pat Anderson,
Chairperson at Lowitja Institute, says the organisation has
received three funding rounds, but now has to look at other
sources of funding. Ms. Anderson says the institute has a
unique approach to research that focuses on community
engagement. She says while support is there, no financial
commitment has been secured.?

Koori Mail: Search for new commissioner
[scroll down page]
20 Dec 12: ?Outgoing Race Discrimination Commissioner Helen
Szoke. THE search is on for Australia?s next Race
Discrimination Commissioner, with incumbent Helen Szoke due
to take up a post with Oxfam next year. Australian Human
Rights Commission president Professor Gillian Triggs will
act in the position while the recruitment process is
undertaken. Attorney General Nicola Roxon said the position
required a strong advocate for building fair and inclusive
communities that reject racism.?

- Audio

ABC The World Today:
Calls to overhaul Indigenous education after poor NAPLAN results

18 Dec 12: ?The poor results from Indigenous students in
Australia?s latest national education report have prompted
calls for an overhaul of the way these students are taught
in schools. The NAPLAN report shows that the results for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students haven?t
improved since standardised national testing was introduced
four years ago. Indigenous educators say part of the
problem is that too many schools are segregating Indigenous
children into special education units where they?re not
getting the support that they need. Stephanie Smail has
our report.?

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Tuesday 25 December 2012

Utah defends its hands-off health insurance exchange plan | The ...

(Al Hartmann | The Salt Lake Tribune) Governor Gary Herbert on Dec. 12, 2012 as he releases his budget recommendations at Granite Technical Institute in Salt Lake City.

Utah expected its federal high-risk pool ? subsidized health coverage for the sick and uninsurable ? to be an easy sell.

But it proved easier than state officials ever imagined.


Examining exchange plans

In letters to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services last week, several advocacy groups complained about the lack of clarity and transparency surrounding Utah?s plans for Avenue H. Among them: a physicians group, federally certified community health clinics, AARP Utah, Voices for Utah Children and the Utah Health Policy Project.

The Salt Lake Tribune obtained parts of Utah?s exchange blueprint through a records request. They make promises, say advocates, but don?t say how the state will live up to them.

?There?s so much in there that?s theoretical,? said Judi Hilman, executive director of the Utah Health Policy Project. ?If I were the feds, I would agree to a federally facilitated exchange or give Utah conditional approval subject to our meeting certain requirements and deadlines.?

See the embedded documents for details of Utah?s blueprint.

Links to other states? plans:

New York

New Mexico

Washington state


That?s because hospitals, looking to get paid for treating uninsured patients, did the heavy lifting. They filled out and submitted papers on behalf of patients and, in some cases, paid their monthly premiums, no strings attached.

"People who have a financial interest in making things work will find a way to do it, and do it quickly," said Utah Gov. Gary Herbert?s health adviser, Norm Thurston, citing the experience as proof that Utah?s hands-off, private-market approach to another Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirement ? health exchanges ? will work.

Exchanges, online insurance marketplaces, are designed to be a "no wrong door" portal to health coverage where consumers can compare plans, see if they?re eligible for federal subsidies to purchase them, or enroll in low-income programs such as Medicaid.

"The idea is you can enter this door and walk out with coverage," said Lincoln Nehring, a health policy analyst at Voices for Utah Children.

Utah already has a "shop" exchange for small businesses, Avenue H, which the governor has asked the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to declare as good enough for Obamacare.

Herbert promises to open it to individuals and larger employers and to enforce new insurance price controls and consumer protections. But he argues the customer outreach and hand-holding required to help people navigate insurance options are a waste of money and unrealistic.

His proposal is being viewed as a test case of just how much leeway the Obama administration is willing to give states in running their own exchanges.

HHS will not comment on the negotiations, but Thurston said sticking points are mostly on small, technical issues.

story continues below

It?s the details that worry consumer advocates, who are pushing for greater clarity on Utah?s plan and fear Herbert?s vision for Avenue H falls woefully short.

Of top concern, they say, is Utah?s poor track record in linking eligible Utahns with health safety nets.

The state ranked 50th in enrolling eligible children in Medicaid and the Children?s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) in 2010, said Nehring, noting that 80 percent of the state?s 102,400 children are eligible for these programs.

"Utah families are in particular need," he said, "of the ACA?s vision of an exchange that will connect [them] with all their health coverage options."

Under the ACA, those shopping on an exchange must first be screened to see if they?re entitled to Medicaid or CHIP. They are also screened for federal tax credits to apply toward the purchase of their coverage.

States are supposed to hire navigators to help people pick plans best suited to their needs. The rules say they have to provide interpretive services, aides for people with disabilities, and publish "culturally and linguistically appropriate outreach" materials.

But Herbert?s advisers argue these services are widely available in the community.

Next Page >

Copyright 2012 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Monday 24 December 2012

A lump of coal for 'Fiscal Cliff-mas'

17 hrs.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Wall Street traders are going to have to pack their tablets and work computers in their holiday luggage after all.

A traditionally quiet week could become hellish for traders as politicians in Washington are likely to fall short of an agreement to deal with $600 billion in tax hikes and spending cuts due to kick in early next year. Many economists forecast that this "fiscal cliff" will push the economy into recession.

Thursday's debacle in the U.S. House of Representatives, where Speaker John Boehner failed to secure passage of his own bill that was meant to pressure President Obama and Senate Democrats, only added to worry that the protracted budget talks will stretch into 2013.

Still, the market remains resilient. Friday's decline on Wall Street, triggered by Boehner's fiasco, was not enough to prevent the S&P 500 from posting its best week in four.

"The markets have been sort of taking this in stride," said Sandy Lincoln, chief market strategist at BMO Asset Management U.S. in Chicago, which has about $38 billion in assets under management.

"The markets still basically believe that something will be done," he said.

If something happens next week, it will come in a short time frame. Markets will be open for a half-day on Christmas Eve, when Congress will not be in session, and will close on Tuesday for Christmas. Wall Street will resume regular stock trading on Wednesday, but volume is expected to be light throughout the rest of the week with scores of market participants away on a holiday break.

For the week, the three major U.S. stock indexes posted gains, with the Dow Jones industrial average up 0.4 percent, the S&P 500 up 1.2 percent and the Nasdaq Composite Index up 1.7 percent.

Stocks also have booked solid gains for the year so far, with just five trading sessions left in 2012: The Dow has advanced 8 percent, while the S&P 500 has climbed 13.7 percent and the Nasdaq has jumped 16 percent.

Equity volumes are expected to fall sharply next week. Last year, daily volume on each of the last five trading days dropped on average by about 49 percent, compared with the rest of 2011 - to just over 4 billion shares a day exchanging hands on the New York Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq and NYSE MKT in the final five sessions of the year,?from a 2011 daily average of 7.9 billion.

If the trend repeats, low volumes could generate a spike in volatility as traders keep track of any advance in the cliff talks in Washington.

"I'm guessing it's going to be a low volume week. There's not a whole lot other than the fiscal cliff that is going to continue to take the headlines," said Joe Bell, senior equity analyst at Schaeffer's Investment Research, in Cincinnati.

"A lot of people already have a foot out the door, and with the possibility of some market-moving news, you get the possibility of increased volatility."

Economic data would have to be way off the mark to move markets next week. But if the recent trend of better-than-expected economic data holds, stocks will have strong fundamental support that could prevent selling from getting overextended even as the fiscal cliff negotiations grind along.

Small and mid-cap stocks have outperformed their larger peers in the last couple of months, indicating a shift in investor sentiment toward the U.S. economy. The S&P MidCap 400 Index overcame a technical level by confirming its close above 1,000 for a second week.

"We view the outperformance of the mid-caps and the break of that level as a strong sign for the overall market," Schaeffer's Bell said.

"Whenever you have flight to risk, it shows investors are beginning to have more of a risk appetite."

Evidence of that shift could be a spike in shares in the defense sector, expected to take a hit as defense spending is a key component of the budget talks.

The PHLX defense sector index hit a historic high on Thursday, and far outperformed the market on Friday with a dip of just 0.26 percent, while the three major U.S. stock indexes finished the day down about 1 percent.

Following a half-day on Wall Street on Monday ahead of the Christmas holiday, Wednesday will bring the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index. It is expected to show a ninth?straight month of gains.

U.S. jobless claims on Thursday are seen roughly in line with the previous week's level, with the forecast at 360,000 new filings for unemployment insurance, compared with the previous week's 361,000.

(Reporting by Rodrigo Campos; Additional reporting by Chuck Mikolajczak; Editing by Jan Paschal)?


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Useful Tips On Successful Family Portrait Photography ? Arts and ...

People do not think about any novel application of the service of a professional portrait photographer other then when they have a birthday, a centenary or a death in the family. We are equally hapless and unimaginative at thinking new occasions or making them, but we will do a little better and think of techniques using which you can sabotage the photography sessions and give your photographer a few brain tumors!

There are millions of expert opinions and tips on family portraits photography, but not many on how you can destroy the day! Here is how you can force the photographer into running away, not to mention flush your money down the drain. Take all the kids in your family to a photo tour! And pinch them when they get naughty and if they cry, ignore them. In minutes, the photographer will have bailed out and your family portrait photography session will have ended without one single shot being snapped.

Let the photographer know that you are the family expert on matters of photography. Argue on every point and have your way. Family portrait photography Melbourne might be the bread and butter the poor bloke wielding the SLR, but they do not know that you have read every single book about photography. Let them have a taste of your knowledge.Do not let the occasion fool you. Even if it is your grandfather?s birthday and he might not live any longer to see another one, make sure that your ego is bigger than the occasion. The photographer might want you to stand near your sister-in-law, but little does he know about the relation you share with her. Refuse to have anything to do with your family foes. If possible start a civil war right on the sets while the photographer stares at all of you in wild amazement.

Be the funny guy. Every person in the image should have a big smile right? Yeah. So be the funny fellow and have everybody in splits and rolling onto the floor with laughter. When they manage to subdue their pangs of ecstasy, give it another go. This will look much better if it was organized after your granny passed away recently or something of equivalent solemnity! Just before the family portrait photography Melbourne session begins, call the photographer a nincompoop and tell him that you are going to pay less than what you agreed to. This will snap even the most resilient of professional and have them looking for the exit sign. One can always check for more useful tips.

Tags: family portrait photography, photography


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Friday 21 December 2012

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20 Dec

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Thursday 20 December 2012

Job of Personal Injury Lawyer | Lawyers & Legal Information

Mishaps do occur, and if during any event in life you have a feeling that you are being cheated and not obtained the settlement following an accident then you should look for a personal injury lawyer. None of us desires to be in this particular circumstance, still life is unpredictable and a certified attorney who knows the legislative jargon and specializes in such cases may in fact be rather effective. Their knowledge is special since they help in having you the money help and minimize your emotional and fiscal strain substantially.

Injuries will take substantial time to heal, and when this is proving to be a difficulty to attend work then the case needs to address these expenses besides that. Probably it's your first time but colleagues and internet-based search can assist you to make a knowledgeable selection. If it's your first time, then you shall not understand the rewards you will have. One saves a significant amount of time and effort because they virtually cover a lot of responsibilities to help you, hopefully to grab a damage claim you are worthy of and discuss it out of the court. The lawyer is entitled to get the payment should you win the compensation so your entire different expenses are normally looked after.

A personal injury disturbs our emotional stability; yet you have to have composure and every aspect of your accident. The skilled team will secure each and every fact from the accident scene and write down all the statements of the witnesses that could assist in projecting your case in the best way possible. Any litigation should be well-organized to make sure that the witness has no intent with you. Getting a certain sum from an insurance provider is the other alternative. You must know that the insurance company might want a sum that's relatively measly and does not justify your demands. They help you in pinpointing of all those people who had been the cause of accident and include all the people who are associated to offer a settlement you are worthy of.

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Wednesday 19 December 2012

Deputies: 13-year-old girl kidnapped near Sugar Land-area church

by staff

Posted on December 18, 2012 at 6:12 AM

Updated today at 7:27 AM

FORT BEND COUNTY, Texas?-- The Fort Bend County Sheriff?s Office released the sketches of two suspects who are accused of kidnapping a 13-year-old girl near her church on Sunday morning.

Deputies said it was about 7:25 a.m. on Dec. 9 when they were called to the 2200 block of Mason Street near West Airport. It was there the victim, a young girl, told deputies she was outside her church in the 2500 block of Eldridge when three men forced her into their red pickup truck.

The victim told deputies she fought the kidnappers, and they eventually threw her out of the truck while it was still moving just a few blocks away. She was discovered by a passing motorist who then called the sheriff?s office. The young girl was sent to the hospital by Life Flight.

The victim was able to describe two of the three suspects but not the driver.

One of the suspects was described as a Hispanic male, about 5-feet, 9-inches tall with a thin build and wavy bleach-blond hair. The man had light brown skin with a nose piercing.

The second suspect is described as a Hispanic male about 5-feet, 7-inches in height with a thin build. He has dark hair, a mustache and a goatee.

Their vehicle was described as a red four-door Ford truck with tinted windows.

Fort Bend Crime Stoppers is offering up to $5,000 for information that leads to the arrest and filing of charges on the suspects involved in this case. Call Crime Stoppers at 281-342-TIPS if you have any information. You can also call the sheriff?s office at 281-341-4665.


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Food and Drink at Old Course Hotel ? A Guest Blog and A Great Cake

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Hello and welcome to Conference and Events,

My name is Fiona and I am the Conference and Events Manager at the Old Course Hotel. I will be telling you a wee bit about Conference and Events through my blog and give you some tips on making your events wow factor but at same time stress free.

However firstly I would like to share one of my favourite wedding cakes I have seen recently. I am a great fan of dessert and I am fascinated in wedding cakes that we have at our weddings. Whilst at the hotel I have seen some incredible wedding cakes from 7 tiers to single cakes personalised with the bride and groom figures to cupcake tiers. I find that small touches such as flowers and fruit can make a real difference visually to your pictures and make your cake more personalised. ?Recently we had a wedding where the bride and groom chose a chocolate cake that was superb! The minute I saw it I knew that it was special. I took a picture so you can see it yourselves:

This cake was made by Fisher and Donaldson a local family owned Bakery in St Andrews. Fisher and Donaldson has been in St Andrews for Five generations and are a must go to when visiting. I personally love their fudge Doughnuts and carrot cake. The Cake above may look like it is Chocolate but however it actually is a layer of succulent Lemon sponge and Victoria sponge with dark chocolate scrolls around it. The Scottish summer berries add sweetness to this cake.

Anyway I better get back to work, speak soon.



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Tuesday 18 December 2012

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The New Defense Bill May Give Veteran's Affairs ... - Business Insider


Now that I have your attention?

The new Defense Bill has a fight going due to the desire of a few politicians to, get this, protect Veterans? rights by amending the bill.

The Department of Veterans Affairs, in all its glorious wisdom, believes in having the right to place the names of Veterans who are said to be of a certain mental state into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. This prevents anyone whose name is in the database from purchasing a firearm anywhere that conducts background checks. Furthermore, it prevents those who live under the same roof of that Veteran from?owning or purchasing a firearm, as well.

There are several layers worth of stupid to peel back on this one.

First, here?s the most common argument for this kind of legislation: ?hey, I?m all for gun ownership, but if someone is ruled mentally incompetent, they shouldn?t be allowed that responsibility ? ? ?While that may seem reasonable on the surface, it?s a flawed premise for multiple reasons.

One, who judges whether a person is mentally incompetent or not? It?s one thing to have a trained psychiatrist make that claim; it?s entirely another for a counselor to put down ?PTSD? on someone?s chart and have that end up in the bureaucratic black hole of the VA?a system that can?t process your claim in any reasonable amount of time but you can bet your a** they will fast-track your file to a background investigation unit.

Two, if a person is ruled incompetent by a psychiatrist, shouldn?t he or she, perhaps, just maybe, have a say in it? We have these things called ?courts? you see?

That is exactly what Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) is fighting for currently. He wants Veterans to have their day in court before their ?fundamental right given under the Constitution? is taken away, and is proposing amendments to the Defense Bill providing for that very thing.

But that?s not how things are now. Under the current system, a Veteran can lose their right to own a firearm simply by receiving a PTSD diagnosis and having it handed over to the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) or their name placed in the national criminal database. And therein lays the bigger issue in this topic that needs to be addressed.

I don?t care how psychologically troubled a veteran is; I don?t care if they can?t tie their own shoes anymore; I don?t care if they can?t pay their own bills; I don?t care if they can?t feed themselves; I don?t care if they are being fed from a tube or if they are in a wheel chair:


This, my friends, is why any discussion on this topic is completely flawed from the beginning?the very fact that there is a ?criminal database? that someone?s name would go into?prior to them ever committing a crime?is demonstrably wrong on both the ethical and Civil Rights levels of government. The idea that a Veteran?someone who has sacrificed for their country?would be labeled as a criminal for doing nothing other than that sacrifice is an injustice, to be sure. Yet somehow, when concerning the topic of the Second Amendment, that injustice is seen as perfectly reasonable.

Well, it?s not. Stop and consider this scenario: let?s say you come back from Iraq or Afghanistan and, after reporting having trouble sleeping to a few counselors and that you?ve had more than a few bottles of whiskey, you have a ?PTSD? label on your packet and it is forwarded on to a database. Fast forward a couple months and, as your life has had some new changes in it, you decide to stop attending the church of which you are currently a member. Upon that declaration, a couple of suits show up at your door and say ?sorry, we can?t let you stop going to this church. You?re not mentally capable of making that decision, due to your PTSD diagnosis.?

Sound ridiculous? It should, but here?s the kicker?it?s no more or less absurd than doing the same thing with Second Amendment liberties as opposed to those outlined in the First Amendment. Yet, that?s exactly what passes for ?reasonable? in this country. If there?s an attack on free speech or if the government even hints at endorsing a particular religion, the ACLU and any number of other organizations will run a full-on?Blitzkrieg-style operation against the perpetrators; if it?s against gun rights, well??it?s for the sake of the children!

It does not take a legal scholar to have a fundamental understanding of what the Second Amendment was designed for and a fairly solid knowledge of case law surrounding the right as it pertains to individuals. Rest assured, we have fallen a long way from that concept; especially if those who have paid a price of blood and sweat to defend it are forced to give it away for the rest of their lives simply due to bureaucrats? definition of what is ?reasonable.? Making matters worse is the fact that families of Veterans have their rights trampled on, as well.

The VA, lest you think there is any hope that theirs is a logically defensible position, defended their stance by stating that a Veteran can appeal the decision regarding their rights and petition to have them restored. Oh, well in that case, I totally understand?

You have got to be kidding me. I?m guessing there are a solid percentage of people reading this who have dealt with or are currently dealing with submitting a claim to the VA. How long have you been at it? How would you feel if you were presumed guilty, labeled a criminal, and then told you could ?petition? to have your rights restored by an agency that moves with the speed of a three-toed tree sloth, all over something you were never even given a day in court for?

I can?and often will?go on at great lengths regarding this subject, as it has the potential to travel down a number of paths. However, what is important to remember here are two primary things:

1)???? As it stands now, the current system has Vets (as well as their family members) being labeled as criminals simply based on the recordings of the VA. This must stop, and the only way to do so is to stand behind people like Senator Tom Coburn and put pressure on others to support him, as well.

2)???? This argument doesn?t go away by making claims about whether guns are or are not safe. That is irrelevant. What is most certainly relevant is that the Second Amendment be viewed as equal to the First, Third, and the remaining Amendments in the Bill of Rights.

The VA is slow, inept, and in some cases cause more harm than good.

That being said, they are all we have for being taken care of in terms of disabilities and injuries incurred while in service to our country. Because of this, we can?t just kick them to the curb when they behave like a nanny state organization?we must work to enact change within their system. That is accomplished through the power of your representatives.

Get active; give them a call and let them know where you stand on this. The fact that a Veteran can be placed into a criminal database without ever being convicted of a crime is unacceptable on many levels, but this starts with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Make your voices heard. Tell your representatives to support bills like the one Senator Coburn is proposing to protect Veteran?s rights.


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Monday 17 December 2012

Slain hero teacher's family: 'She loved those students more than anything'

By Jillian Eugenios, TODAY contributor

Teacher Vicki Soto, 27, died a hero on Friday when she was killed protecting her class of first-graders from alleged school shooter Adam Lanza, 20.?

Her family spoke out on Sunday, telling TODAY's Erica Hill about Soto's dedication to the children at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn.

?She didn?t call them her students," sister Carlee Soto, 20, told TODAY. "She called them her kids."

James Wiltsie, Soto's cousin and a Fairfield County police officer, said the family was told that Soto died trying to save the lives of her students.??She was found protecting her kids," he said, "doing instinctively what she knew to do.?

While details are still emerging about exactly what happened, Wiltsie was told that Soto hid her first-graders in closets and cabinets once she heard there was a gunman in the school.

"[She was] huddling in the closet, trying to shield them from the spray of bullets,? ?he said.

Soto had been teaching at the school for five years. The oldest of four children, she?lived with her parents, sisters and a brother, along with her black Labrador, Roxy, in a modest, Cape Cod-style home in Stratford, Conn.

When asked what he would miss the most about Soto, her brother Carlos pointed to the mundane daily activities that would no longer happen.

"I would hear her running the coffee machine every morning, and then running down the stairs, slamming the door on her way out," he said. ?That?s the thing I?m going to miss.?

Soto was reportedly adored by her students. Her sister Carlee said the feeling was mutual, and that her first-graders, who Soto called her "angels," would always bring a smile to her face.

"She would come home with stories of what the kids did that day," Carlee said. "She loved those students more than anything."?

There?s been a huge outpouring of support for the Soto family. A candlelight vigil was held on Saturday night, which brought hundreds of people out in support of the family, paying tribute to the woman many knew just as ?Miss Soto.? And several colleagues got in touch with the family.?

?They said they were honored to know her,? her sister Jillian Soto, 24, said.

The Soto family paid homage to Vicki with her favorite color -- wearing ?green scarves and handing out green ribbons to the community.

?Vicki would?ve been very happy to see all those people there supporting her,? Jillian said.

Snow was falling while the family spoke with TODAY, and Jillian said it was Vicki?s way of being there, as she loved Christmas and the holidays.

?She wouldn?t have it any other way than having us speak right now and having it snow.??



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Sandy Hook school shooting: Few easy answers for a violent culture

Adam Lanza, a troubled 'genius,' reportedly shot and killed 20 elementary school pupils and seven adults, including his mother, before killing himself in Newtown, Conn., on Friday. The national tragedy has sparked a search for ways to stop a senseless streak of mass killings.

By Patrik Jonsson,?Staff writer / December 15, 2012

New Jersey resident Steve Wruble, who was moved to drive out to Connecticut to support local residents, grieves for victims of an elementary school mass shooting at the entrance to Sandy Hook village in Newtown, Connecticut, Saturday.

Adrees Latif/REUTERS


New details in the Newtown, Conn., school massacre suggest that the alleged shooter, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, may have suffered from autism or a personality disorder and also had easy access to high-powered weapons ? a combination of unique circumstances that may complicate President Obama's call for broad "meaningful action" in the wake of a national tragedy.

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The shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Friday pose many difficult questions about American views toward mental health problems among disaffected young men as well as possible impacts of a violent media and gun culture.

But the tragic events, experts say, also offer a unique opportunity for America to reassess its values and culture without getting bogged down by politics ? a development that could yield possible solutions to a streak of mass shootings this year that have ended with a total of 65 Americans ? including, now, 20 school children ? losing their lives in swirls of high-powered gun fire, primarily with young, intelligent and disinhibited men behind the triggers.

"Clearly, this is a young man who was very, very angry and willing to express his anger in almost unthinkable ways," says James Cassidy, a criminal justice professor at the University of New Haven. "But I think we do also have to look at ourselves here. Yes, it's unclear ? what factors were the most prevalent, but certainly the fact that we have a mental health system that is failing right now plays a role. We're also coming to understand that while violence on TV, in movies and in lyrics haven't led to more crime, it does appear that a certain faction of society is vulnerable to such violence, that it disinhibits them in some way."

The Monitor's View:?Newtown shootings: What to say to ourselves

Police say Mr. Lanza, a former honor roll student known to carry a black briefcase to class, killed his mother and then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he forced his way into the school.

Once inside, he killed 20 children, six adults, and finally himself in a hail of rapid gun fire that took place, police say, in two separate areas of the school, including a classroom. The three guns found by police ? two semiautomatic pistols, a Glock and a Sig Sauer and an assault-style Bushmaster rifle ? were registered to Lanza's mother.

Coming 10 days before Christmas and becoming the seventh major mass shooting of the year, the coldblooded and senseless brutality of the Sandy Hook massacre shook Americans to their core. President Obama wiped away tears and had to collect himself as he addressed the nation Friday afternoon, saying Americans have to take "meaningful action" to thwart such senseless violence.

It won't be an easy task, given the country's fiscal situation and reticence to tinker with hard-fought gun rights.

Bottom line: It's difficult to "figure [mass shootings] out and try to predict [them] without trampling on the Constitution and certain inalienable rights guaranteed when this country was developed," says Scott Belshaw, a criminal justice professor at the University of North Texas, in Denton.

To be sure, gun control advocates, having largely lost the legal arguments in the wake of major court decisions affirming Second Amendment rights to own and carry guns for self-defense, are now primed to push forward new gun control legislation. Since the sun-setting of the assault weapons ban in 2004, Congress has shored up state reporting of gun purchases, but has not passed any major gun control law.


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Connecticut gunman had hundreds of rounds; Obama to console Newtown

NEWTOWN, Connecticut (Reuters) - The gunman who slaughtered 20 young children in Connecticut stormed Sandy Hook Elementary School armed with hundreds of bullets for a military-style assault rifle and handguns, and shot himself when police closed in, officials said on Sunday.

A more detailed picture of Adam Lanza's stunning attack on the school in Newtown emerged as worshippers filled Sunday services to mourn the victims and President Barack Obama headed to Connecticut to console the shattered town.

Lanza, 20, who was identified as the gunman by police for the first time on Sunday, shot his way into the school on Friday, firing away at students and staff with a Bushmaster AR 15 rifle, officials said.

He also carried two handguns and hundreds of bullets in "multiple" high-capacity magazines of about 30 rounds each, and had a fourth weapon in reserve - a shotgun in his car outside, Connecticut state police Lieutenant Paul Vance said.

"The Bushmaster was used ... in the school in its entirety and the handgun was used to take his own life," Vance said, adding that Lanza's motive for the massacre was not known.

All the dead children were either 6 or 7 years old, feeding more emotion into a revived debate about whether stricter gun laws could prevent future mass shootings in the United States.

"If this doesn't shake the consciousness of the country about doing better to protect our children, I don't know what will," said Pedro Segarra, mayor of Hartford, the state capital.

While townspeople grieved, investigators examined forensic evidence and scoured the crime scene in a process likely to extend for weeks. Many more witnesses needed to be interviewed, possibly including children who survived the attack, Vance said.

Some of the bodies have been turned over to families, he said.

"We have the best of the best working on this case. ... Our goal is to paint a complete picture so that we all know and the public knows exactly what happened here," Vance said.

Painting part of that picture, Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy said the gunman shot his way through a school door "using several rounds" before beginning to kill adults and children inside, then killed himself as police closed in.

"He discharged to make an opening and then went through it, went to the first classroom ... went to the second classroom. We surmise that it was during the second classroom episode that he heard responders coming and apparently at that, decided to take his own life," Malloy said on the ABC show "This Week."

"This sick fellow, you know, clearly mentally ill, killed his mother, proceeded to go on and kill a great number of people," Malloy added.

Vance said Lanza's mother, Nancy Lanza - found dead on Friday at her home - was shot several times.

Townspeople and visitors took solace in church on Sunday. Mass at St. Rose Catholic church was packed. The priest's announcements included news that the Christmas pageant rehearsal would go on as planned, but without 6-year-old Olivia Engel, killed on Friday before she could play the role of an angel.

Obama was scheduled to attend an interfaith vigil with the families of the victims starting at 7 p.m. EST.


Makeshift memorials appeared in this affluent town of 27,000 people about 80 miles from New York City. The largest, festooned with flowers and teddy bears, sat at the end of Dickenson Drive where Sandy Hook Elementary stands.

Residents and visitors streamed past a police roadblock to add to it. One woman knelt down and sobbed violently.

As children walked down the street in the rain, carrying their toys and signs, a man sat on the back of his parked car playing a mournful tune on a violin to accompany them.

"This is a time to come together," said Carina Bandhaver, 43, who lives in nearby Southbury.

The children who survived will not have to return to the scene of the massacre. They will attend classes at an unused school in a Connecticut town about 7 miles away, school officials said. Classes elsewhere in the town will resume on Tuesday, except at Sandy Hook.


Several Democratic lawmakers called for a new push for U.S. gun restrictions on Sunday, including a ban on military-style assault weapons.

Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, the author of an assault-weapons ban that lapsed in 2004, said she would introduce new legislation this week.

"I think we could be at a tipping point ... where we might get something done," New York's Charles Schumer, another top Senate Democrat, said on CBS's "Face the Nation."

Gun rights advocates have countered that Connecticut already has among the strictest gun laws in the nation.

Obama's appearance will be watched closely for clues as to what he meant when he called for "meaningful action" to prevent such tragedies.

The president arrived in Connecticut on Sunday afternoon, a day after authorities released the names of the dead and more details emerged about the victims, the gunman and the rampage.

Adam Lanza attended Sandy Hook Elementary as a child, according to former classmates.

Police were trying to establish the relationship between Adam Lanza, Nancy Lanza and the school, and whether the mother and her sons were frequent visitors to gun ranges, according to a law enforcement official briefed on the investigation.

In addition to the military-style Bushmaster assault rifle, a civilian version of the weapon used by U.S. forces in Afghanistan, police said Lanza carried Glock 10 mm and Sig Sauer 9 mm handguns into the school.

Nancy Lanza legally owned a Sig Sauer and a Glock, handguns commonly used by police, in addition to the long gun, according to law enforcement officials.

Lanza had struggled at times to fit into the community and his mother pulled him out of school for several years to home-school him, said Louise Tambascio, the owner of My Place Restaurant, where his mother was a long-time patron.

Officials said they were concerned misinformation and threats about the case were being spread on social media websites. Police said a telephone bomb threat forced the evacuation of the St. Rose church. It was searched and declared clear.

David Fein, the U.S. attorney for Connecticut, issued a stern warning that harassment of victims or their relatives could be prosecuted. "Harassment not only includes in-person contact, but also contact via the Internet, social media and telephone," he said.

(Additional reporting by Edith Honan, Martinne Geller, David Ingram and Chris Francescani; Writing by Daniel Trotta and Jim Loney; Editing by Will Dunham and Jackie Frank)


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